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The Washington Post-Newsweek’s "On Faith": A Conversation on Religion with Jon Meacham & Sally Quinn
• Brad Hirschfield’s post:
"Religions, not faith, lose ground in '09"
Brad Hirschfield’s blog on "On Faith":
"Carter’s apology to Israel"
Irwin Kula blogs on Huffington Post Living

• "A New Fetish: Apology Voyeurism"
Windows & Doors, Brad Hirschfield’s daily blog on Beliefnet

• "Six Biblical and Jewish Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions"


eClal                                                                      January 5, 2009
Rabbi Kula in the Lede on JInsider.com
December 31, 2009
An interview with Rabbi Irwin Kula about happiness appears on the home page of this innovative site.

From JInsider.com

Reasons to be Hopeful in the New Year
December 31, 2009
I am optimistic. With all the challenges we have, when in history has it been better for Jews?

By Steve Lipman from The Jewish Week

Hopes and Expectations for the New Year
December 29, 2009
Rabbi Irwin Kula speaks with Ben Merens about our hopes and expectations for the new year.

From At Issue with Ben Merens WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio), 12/24/09

Gay and Orthodox
December 28, 2009
"Here is a letter, signed by Talmidei HaYeshiva — "Students of the Yeshiva", in response to last week’s historic public conversation at Yeshiva University which featured four gay men, all current students or alumni of that institution. While it may anger some, I think that is actually both ironically funny and a bit sad...."
By Brad Hirschfield from Beliefnet.com’s
Windows & Doors
Hope for the New Year
December 24, 2009
Rabbi Irwin Kula speaks with Paul Stern and Jack Roberts about hope for the New Year, Tiger Woods, and religious tolerance.

From the Erik & Jack Attack! Cable Radio Network, 12/23/09

The December war on Christmas
December 23, 2009
Rabbi Brad Hirschfield speaks with Mario Solis Marich talking about the war on Christmas.

From the Mario Solis Marich Show, Progressive talk AM 760 (Colorado), 12/21/09

How is Religion in America Changing?
December 22, 2009
Rabbi Irwin Kula speaks with Michael Ray Dresser about religion in America.

From Dresser After Dark on BblogTalkRadio, 12/22/09
Carter’s Apology to Israel
December 22, 2009
"... Like many of Mr. Carters past comments, his words appear well-intentioned and sincerely offered. And yet, like so many of his past utterances, these latest mix profound sensitivity with much potentially unhelpful ideological baggage...." More...

From Brad Hirschfield’s blog in the Washington Post-Newsweek’s "On Faith" Column
Pope Pius XII and Sainthood
December 22, 2009
"Can sainthood be ‘diminished?’ ... Rabbi Irwin Kula raises the question now that Pope Benedict XVI has concluded ... that wartime Pope Pius XII showed a life of such heroic virtues that he is worthy of considering for sainthood...."

From USA Today’s "Faith & Reason: A conversation about religion, faith and spirituality" by Cathy Lynn Grossman
Bid to ban Christmas in Jerusalem is wrong
December 20, 2009
"A group calling itself Lobby for Jewish Values is handing out fliers in Jerusalem condemning Christmas. They are pushing for a ban on all public displays of Christmas trees and other ‘foolish’ Christian symbols, and asking the public to boycott restaurants and other public institutions that show such displays. I guess it’s really true — the abused grow up to become the abusers...."

Op-Ed By Brad Hirschfield for the JTA

Also published in:
Jewish Journal (Los Angeles)
Jewish Journal (Boston)
Jewish News of Greater Phoenix
Yearnings, the Holidays and Woods
December 16, 2009
Rabbi Irwin Kula speaks with Mario Solis Marich talking about Yearnings, the holidays and Tiger Woods...

From the Mario Solis Marich Show, Progressive talk AM 760 (Colorado), 12/16/09,  re-aired on Progressive Talk AM 1150 in Los Angeles 12/20/09

The December Christmas Rhetoric Wars
December 2009
Rabbi Brad Hirschfield is interviewed about the "war on Christmas" — is "season’s greetings" the only way to go?
Listen to Brad Hirschfield with Reverend Welton C. Gaddy...
From State of Belief on Air America Radio, 12/12/09

Listen to Brad Hirschfield with Lars Larson...
From The Lars Larson Show, Westwood One, 12/16/09

Rabbi Hirschfield was also interviewed on this topic on the Busted Halo, Sirius Satellite Radio, 12/16/09
Talk-back with Irwin Kula
at New Comedy — Circumcise Me

December 21, 2009
Join Rabbi Irwin Kula at a post show talk–back/conversation with the star of this one man show, Circumcise Me, after the 8:00 PM show on Jan 14th. Written and performed by Yisroel Campbell, directed by Sam Gold, and playing at the Bleecker Street Theatre, New York City.

From Clal
Should a Rabbi be Held to a Different Ethical Standard?
December 16, 2009
"‘Rabbis are people, and all people are held to the same ethical standards in Jewish tradition,’ said Rabbi Brad Hirschfield ... ‘Of course all public figures, especially those in positions of religious authority, must be especially mindful of the impact of their actions. But it’s equally important for everyone else to exercise caution about putting such leaders on pedestals — focusing on the shortcomings of leaders is often an excuse for followers to avoid paying attention to their own.‘..."

By Troy Hooper from the Aspen Daily News
A VOA American Profile of Brad Hirschfield
November 30, 2009
"We have to figure out an ethic and a way to be with each other when there is genuine difference...."

By Adam Phillips from Voice of America
American Profiles
Op-Ed: Jewish community ignores female leaders at its peril
November 30, 2009
"It is past time that the Jewish community welcomed women into leadership roles and valued our contributions. If we don’t do this, we will lose the next generation of Jewish leaders...."

By Rabbi Rebecca W. Sirbu from the JTA

Also published in:
JewishJournal.com, Los Angeles
Jewish Review, Oregon and SW Washington The Jewish Standard, New Jersey
The Chicago Jewish News
Hirschfield and Kula: Intelligent Talk Radio
2009 Retrospective on Human Rights and The Move to Make Pope Pius XII a Saint
December 12, 2009
Listen to Brad and Irwin as they discuss these topics.
Be sure to check the website each week for more riffing with the rabbis on topics of the day.
Listen ....
From Hirschfieldandkula.com, broadcast on KXL, Portland, OR
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